CRC is changing to Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting (SECR)
The latest reporting requirements due to take over from and coincide with the end of the CRC Energy Efficiency Scheme. Potentially 11,900 organisations in the UK will need to comply with the SECR legislation. As opposed to the 4,000 organisations already reporting within CRC.

What do you need to know about SECR?
• SECR will apply to all quoted companies (not public bodies)
• All large UK incorporated unquoted companies and LLPs, using the
Companies Act 2006 definition of “large” (companies fulfilling at least 2 of the following conditions in the financial year: at least 250 employees, annual turnover greater than £36m, an annual balance sheet greater than £18m)
• ESOS is not affected
• It is intended to reduce the administrative burden on businesses
• Parent Companies not registered in the UK may not need to participate but if there are UK subsidiaries, these companies will be in scope if they qualify for SECR on their own
• Companies using less than 40,000 kWh of energy in the reporting year will be exempt from SECR
Contact us to see how we can manage this new reporting requirement for you